Archive August 2011

Teacher's message 26.08.2011

The moment has come when we need to talk about the main thing. What is the main thing at the moment? This is your inner unshakable strength - willpower and strength of mind, for the time has come when it is necessary to show oneself as a Warrior in all positions. What am I calling for? Only to protect your property. Now is the time for that. What is property? These are those unshakable ...

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Teacher's message 16.08.2011

A new understanding of the world is that important truth that should be revealed on the eve of tremendous changes on planet Earth. The Earth changes its vibrations, parameters, structure, changes the protein code, and the transformation of both the planet itself and most of humanity depends on the assimilation of many important and serious truths that essentially change the worldview of earthlings. New worldview. What's this? This is the one ...

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Teacher's message 12.08.2011

Now we will speak differently. I spoke figuratively, and each image gets an ambiguous interpretation from you. I say so that you learn to work in a new way, that is, you learn to understand allegorical phrases more accurately, or learn to understand, or identify, unsaid. Each image is an energetic form, this is the information that is embedded in a certain form. Reveal information, or itself ...

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Teacher's message 03.08.2011

I speak now for those who are ready to hear. I speak to those who can understand. And most importantly, I am speaking, I will repeat it again, about the future and in the name of the future. At the moment there are many important tasks - let's talk about them. The concentration of power increases. And it grows on both sides. The current state reminds me of the field ...

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