Archive January 2009

Message 29.01.2009

We remember everyone. We know about all the hardships, about all the manifestations of this world. We find that area in your perception that is capable of responding to us. We feel unity with those who, contrary to the established statements, believe us, believe in their ability to carry the Light, opening a corridor for the passage of this Light to Earth. Once upon a time the Teacher of Light came to Earth, ...

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Teacher's message 28.01.2009

Sometimes you get the feeling that the person you are in love with is surrounded by a special field of attraction that affects those around you in a strange way - they also begin to feel attraction to this person and fall in love with him. Can a person's falling in love so transform his field? What actually happens at the level of energies in the field of the person with whom they are in love, and ...

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Teacher's message 15.01.2009

Dear friends! I would like to clarify the current situation. I want the maximum possible explanations to be exhaustive in this period. What's happening? What are we doing? And why did the unification of the Forces of Goodwill into a certain co-ordinated organization, briefly adapted by me as the Office of Trustees, become possible during this time period? First, about the main thing. And the main thing at this moment is what you can ...

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APPEAL TO THE HEADS OF GOVERNMENT and statesmen who have an impact on the eventful course of the history of mankind The message was transmitted through Elena from the leaders of the services-trustees of planet Earth. Peace to you! Restoring the dialogue characteristic of the previous relationship, we strive to help the Earth and earthlings. And there comes a moment when everyone who oversees the Earth decided to join their efforts in the name of urgent assistance to the planet and ...

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