Archive March 2004

Teacher's message 30.03.2004

Today we will talk in more detail about visualization. I will answer the questions asked earlier about timing and posture, repetition and imagination. The questions are quite extensive and each require sufficient attention, but I will try to talk about them as general rules. Visualization is the next stage of practical work. This is the ability to organizationally express an idea through energy projections using ...

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Teacher's message 24.03.2004

We talked about the energy structure, about the centers on the human body. I want to expand on this topic in connection with the beginning of the realization of many connections. So the centers are on the human body. This topic is quite important and relevant for awareness and practical work. You know the seven chakras, you know their location, you know that each center has its own, and only its own, functional significance. ...

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Teacher's message 23.03.2004

The true goal of knowledge and direction for development. You tried to build the foundations for activity, for working on yourself, and now we will summarize and identify the further direction. Self-awareness is the starting point of our journey. And we will begin the movement precisely from the moment of accepting ourselves, our true Essence. This is the moment of practical awareness of the inner hidden processes leading to transformations ...

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Teacher's message 10.03.2004

The energy of love is a flow coming from the Creator, it is the energy of innocence and purity, the energy of creation. Is human sexual energy transformed love energy? If so, why does the energy of innocence and purity sometimes acquire such perverted, dirty manifestations, cause lustful uncontrollable desires? Why does it have such power and why mankind manages to use it for its ...

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Teacher's message 09.03.2004

A small stage of our work at a new level has ended. Now is the time to figure out many things and summarize - the result of our work. So, I ask you to initially define the boundaries of our activities and identify the goal. First of all, what are we striving for, what do we want, what are we striving for? These are the questions that I ask you so that everyone will finally reveal the true ...

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