Archive April 2003

Teacher's message 30.04.2003

How is consciousness related to the subconscious and superconscious? Let's continue talking about the structure of consciousness. I said that consciousness, which has a certain connection with the subconscious, develops a certain set of attitudes towards development. It is the subconscious that determines the relativistic foundations of concerted action. The subconscious is the noble core of consciousness. This, one might say, is that heavenly indicator that creates interconnection, connection with superconsciousness. Yes it is …

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Teacher's message 29.04.2003

Teacher, you said that consciousness is a certain complex of psychosomatic matrices superimposed on each other, you mentioned the vibrational-energetic structure of consciousness. In this regard, it can be assumed that consciousness is somehow structured. What is its structure? The question that was asked requires a serious and thoughtful answer, quite extensive and understandable. I will answer in parts, for every question requires ...

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Teacher's message 18.04.2003

So, I will talk about meditation. What's happening? Why does the practice I indicated create confusion? I will talk about the fundamental differences between the practice of meditation that I propose and other practices you know. This conversation is quite serious and principled. I understand that there are established connections, there are mental attitudes and it is very difficult to enter a new stream, throwing off the burden of old attitudes. More …

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Teacher's message 16.04.2003

The question of education, the formation of the field is quite acceptable for comprehension. And what still interferes, creates dependences on the energy structure in the creation, or, figuratively speaking, germination of the energy field layer? The question suggests an answer in each case. But I want to systematize them by defining general ones. So, the development of the energy structure presupposes its presence and formation, but the most important question is about the primary ...

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Teacher's message 15.04.2003

What is a Perfogram? Perfogram ... Perhaps there is an inaccuracy in the presentation. Perhaps I overdid it a little by giving you this concept. But what was I talking about? What did you mean by using this term? I had in mind a certain energetic structure, or vibrational-energetic structure of consciousness, because consciousness is a certain complex of psychosomatic matrices superimposed on each other. And as a result ...

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Teacher's message 10.04.2003

Development of the energy structure. Let's talk about it. Let's talk about creating the prerequisites for this. What plays an important role in the formation of layers, or, in your opinion, bodies, energy structure? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous, because the formed field has an individual ratio of the visible and the unmanifest. The formation process has personal capabilities correlated with the perfogram of consciousness perception. The question of building up a layer contains many ...

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Teacher's message 04.04.2003

Let's talk about meditation as a practice of awareness. What do I crave when I urge you to make a short disconnect from the world and worldly problems? And why doesn't it work? It does not work, first of all, because we have different attitudes in this regard. What should you get? Unable to turn off thoughts? Unable to concentrate on breathing? This may not be easy to achieve right away, but the moment ...

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Teacher's message 01.04.2003

External stimuli inadequately restore the relationship with the energy sheaths, or field layers. The reaction depends on the structure created, or on the development, the creation of interlayers. I spoke about the expansion of the fourth layer, I talked about that part of it that carries the embryonic structure of the fifth layer, and it is the developed fourth part that gives impetus to the maturation of the fifth layer of the energy field. So, let's imagine the structure ...

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