Archive 2003

Teacher's message 23.12.2003

Today we will continue our conversation, our classes and our studies. Now I will explain what the meaning of our work is. First of all, I want to say that the questions I am asking involve answers at the level of the heart. These answers trace the state of the soul, its origins and possible paths of development. I see all this, but I see it as a kind of education ...

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Teacher's message 17.12.2003

Can a picture be used during a visualization session or just imagination? Rendering time? How many paintings can be rendered in one session? The questions, as I understand it, relate to visualization. Let's talk about this in more detail. Visualization time and technique - this is worth talking about, because the practice itself is rather complicated for the uninitiated and needs to be clarified. I started talking about ...

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Teacher's message 09.12.2003

Speaking about the situation that has developed in your world, the most important points should be noted: the emergence of those ideas that in their essence change the foundations of society. This is a sufficiently substantiated flow, which carries a fresh stream of purification, which makes it necessary to change the direction of movement in accordance with the flow. A new stream, fresh moisture that allows you to quench your thirst, thirst for knowledge, thirst for full life, thirst to create, to be in ...

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Teacher's message 03.12.2003

How many energy centers are there? How to work with each of them? Let's talk about this topic. The question about energy centers: "How many are there?" You ask. Okay, I'll try to talk to you in a new way, try to present my vision to you. Energy centers on the human body, of course, play an important role, and their number cannot be accurately indicated. Why is this so? First of all, because ...

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Teacher's message 26.11.2003

What promotes the opening of the centers, and what, on the contrary, blocks them? Harmonization of the structure. As you can imagine, this is quite important, quite relevant and there is an urgent need for it, because health is a cumulative sign of a harmonious personality, but I'm talking about not only physical health, but primarily spiritual health. It is difficult and easy to talk about the harmonization of personality, because ...

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Teacher's message 25.11.2003

Work on yourself, work with thought. Today we will try to expand these concepts. Let's try to clarify those components that form a single connection for the whole organism. So, we will move on to the practical use of what has been said. I have noticed that some have a tendency to hear, see, even be aware, but not apply awareness in their lives. There is, as it were, a split personality, for a personality ...

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Teacher's message 19.11.2003

How to achieve full opening of the centers? How to unblock them and let the energy circulate freely? It is imperative to achieve full opening of the centers. This is your task. This is the main condition that will create the prerequisites for the activation of the potential. So, we are talking about centers, we are talking about the energy that they spend, about the opportunities that they ...

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Teacher's message 11.11.2003

Today we will continue our conversations. Let us recall what was said earlier, namely, what was said about thought. Does a thought have its potential? Yes, it does. How to make it grow stronger? How to allow the penetration of pure thoughts that bring good? I think this topic is quite relevant. This topic presupposes an extremely penetrating state of knowledge. So, thought as a kind of energy ...

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Teacher's message 04.11.2003

Let's continue the conversation that brings us closer to the knowledge that will allow us to free ourselves from the limitations that create obstacles in the development of unshakable cosmic foundations. What I mean? I wish you to learn to identify in yourself that organization of thinking that will expand the range of vision, respectively, changing the entire potential qualitatively. Why do I need this? First of all …

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Teacher's message 21.10.2003

The conversation I'm preparing you for is about structural thinking and different types of thinking. The fact that the thinking that is inherent in you is associated with the Earth, with the frequency that this planet emits, I think you know, as well as the fact that this is a kind of frequency corridor associated with electromagnetic radiation. Structural thinking is associated with these parameters. ...

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