The answer to the question about food that is heat treated by fire

xristos19Question: DEAR TEACHER!
Can food that has been processed by fire contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, ... which remained before heat treatment, because its structure has become "dead"?
More clearly explain the essence of the issue.
In many articles of different "scientists" devoted to the types of dietary nutrition, there is talk about the presence of CALORIES, CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS, etc. in the digested food.
I want to correct these "scientists": the presence of life-giving elements can only be said for products consumed in their natural ("raw") form - vegetables, fruits, honey, etc., but not about food that has undergone heat treatment. Indeed, under fire conditions, all beneficial microorganisms and microflora die, disintegrate, annihilate. The SPECIES, PROPERTIES, COMPOSITION, STRUCTURE of food changes - it becomes "dead", rough for food-cooking (the stomach "cooks" the digested carrion).
What kind of useful proteins, carbohydrates, etc. can we talk if as a result of thermal (temperature) processing (even boiling water changes properties and becomes gaseous), food becomes “dead”?
I think that the topic of processing food with fire is very ancient, because its beginning dates back to the time when a person broke the commandment “Thou shalt not kill”: the flesh ate the flesh for the sake of the life of its flesh. (Sad and sad) (Alexander) 

Answer: The issue of nutrition, heat treatment of food by fire. What is it really, you ask, and they themselves give the right answer. I think that the answer given in the question itself will satisfy many.
Yes, that's right, as a result of heat treatment, food loses its many useful properties, everything changes in it and, of course, all stomach cells get complete disorientation, because, as you noted earlier, digestion should be carried out in the digestive tract. As a result of this disorientation, the period of life has decreased, and a person now rarely lives a period laid down in the program of his development, defined by the century. The term of human life was reduced, and it began to decline from those times, from the moment when permission was given to eat the flesh of animals.

Why did this happen? At that time, it was about saving the lives of those who survived, suffered many pains, including the flood. As a result of the recession of large waters, there was no vegetation on land, the land looked like a desert, and the survivors themselves found no other way out.

But if you turn the pages of the story even further, or go back, I would like to remind you that as a result of serious cataclysms and the Great Flood, that part of the population that completely rejected the Laws passed by them, rejected all the norms of morality and morality perished. All their rules of life were against the Creator. They trampled on the shrines and cursed God in anger, they themselves created that emptiness in which there was no development into which the divine energies of life did not penetrate. Imitation of love led to the revelry of morals, for desires did not match the energy of their expression. I am talking about the time of the fall, about the time when civilization was destroyed in Jehovah’s anger. But the saved small part had to survive. It was easy for them who lived in coarse energies to use violence for the sake of survival. Breaking the commandment “Thou shalt not kill,” they have kept themselves, they have also preserved the human form. At that moment, it was about choosing: either to save the Earth from a vicious civilization completely, or to save humanity as a species, giving it a chance to start everything from the beginning.

But this vicious beginning was disastrous for rescued souls, who chose the way of eating one flesh of another. Naturally, in those conditions it was necessary to survive. A person in those conditions of cold and hunger could use the processing of food by fire for his own survival, to save himself. All the opportunities that were given to humanity for the free development were lost, and the person in his thirst for life switched to the main theme for survival - cooking, thereby limiting his opportunities and duration of life.

There were different civilizations on Earth, but the first civilization, led by human gods, gave an example of a humane attitude to all living things. Food was received as a gift from the plant with reverence and thanksgiving. Those fruits that gave all the plants differed in all properties and qualities and, of course, in composition, from those that you can now put on your table. Fruits from now available were different in size. A bunch of grapes could feed the family all day long, because everyone knew about its nutritional and beneficial properties. Fruit ripening was also happening at a faster pace. In total there was plenty, and there was no need to trade in food. Food was considered a gift of the Earth. In honor of the harvest and the fruits of various plants, holidays were held, or holy, on which food was sanctified, became holy — useful, sacred. Respect for the Creator God was expressed in a humane attitude towards any manifested life. In any life, the plan of the Creator and the connection of this plan with the life of people was visible. And one of the strongest censures was the punishment for disrespectful attitude to the manifested life. Each child at that time knew that his attitude towards any living being was equivalent to his relation to the Highest Creative Force. At that time, no one subjected food to heat treatment, such an idea would be considered blasphemous.

Much has changed now. Thermal processing of food is now called the art of cooking. Contests are held, TV shows in which this topic is raised, they strive to teach this to many. The variety of food nowadays is such that there is no need to talk about the need for slaughter food. Plants, having lost the ability to ripen quickly, having lost their size, are still actively working, wanting to saturate a person, to give him everything he needs for an active life. But now it is difficult, very difficult to explain to a person where the border is between dead food and living food, where health ends and the cult of food begins, for this is an industry for the sake of money, which includes many, many links, including nutritionists, doctors, pharmacologists and many others. , whose opinion is perceived implicitly. Hence the biggest and first sin that is provoked by this civilization - gluttony - leads to gluttony, to eating more food than is necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism, for the normal implementation of life. This is the disease of this civilization. Thus, a person's eyelid is shortened, thus consciousness is blocked and a person becomes dependent. And what kind of knowledge of the truth can we talk about if at first a person seeks to have more food to eat, and then even more money to restore health?

You have chosen this path - your ancestors, ancestors, and now you yourself - but time is steadily moving forward, everything that is untrue, everything that has no power must go away. So, will you agree, of your own free will, to return to living food, to accept a code of honor, returning to true standards?

Christ the Teacher
November 11.10.2013, XNUMX