Teacher's message 13.03.2012

teacherTime - it is precisely this that is now the catalyst of all actions, all events that await all of you.
Time and put everything in its place. Is it possible to stop the car that is rolling downhill?
Yes, perhaps only at the cost of other sacrifices. But, alas, there are already victims.
And time is the component that actively works on Earth and moves everything towards the end with great speed. The world of the Earth will receive what it deserves, and those who doubt that the worlds of the Universe are countless will receive evidence of a different, unexpected order. I talked about prayer. I said that the prayer "Our Father" helps you to tune in to the channel of the Creator God. It is to Him - to the Creator-Creator - that I asked to direct your gaze, for now much depends on His decision.
I, as well as you, pray for the Earth-planet, I pray that mercy and compassion become the basis for all thoughts and actions at the moment of manifestation. And this moment awaits everyone.
At this moment you will feel the full strength of temptation, their bitter-sugary taste, and understand how strong the manifestation of Evil is in this world.
Many tales told you about the manifestation of different Forces.
In them, Good always triumphs over Evil. Yes it is.
So it was and so it will be until the end of time.
But the most important task of Evil is to make a substitution, a substitution in concepts, images, intimidating and manifesting its most important power - the power of destruction. It is enough to allow the slightest deviation from faith, so that, figuratively speaking, the unlocked door quietly opened and entered it. doubts that, like tares, will begin to displace the seeds of knowledge, looking for a fertile ground for them to grow. And the most desirable soil for them is Ego-requests. It is the Ego that creates a disconnect from the realities of life and wishful thinking. It is the Ego that makes you protest against the Will of God. The burning desire to BE passes into the rank of APPEARING, for it is impossible to reach the level of BE without difficulty. But labor is different from labor. And the higher the status of the one who works, the higher the tests for the soul. The greatness of the soul is manifested in humble daily work, in humility, in which the reward comes as a reward for the correctly used TALENT. But the discrepancy between Ego-claims and reality shows pride, and the desire to BE and work in modest labor is replaced by claims and denunciations. A person who has comprehended the meaning of the phrase GOD IS LOVE; DO NOT JUDGE, YET YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED - he cannot be an accuser, for then he belittles the role of the Creator Himself. A person who has comprehended the meaning of Christ's teaching will never be able to rudely invade any soul, imposing his thoughts and his worldview. The soul is the most subtle formation of unearthly nature, which is like the most delicate thin transparent fabric, and sharp attacks on it are like those who try to violate the integrity of the canvas itself, they are like militant law enforcement officers who use weapons to those who did not violate the order. War is that madness that, like a viral infection, spreads aggression and enmity and hatred between people.
Christianity was conceived by me as a philosophy of Love, giving rise to the desire for knowledge, the desire, without violence and rudeness, to rid this world of everything that hindered the knowledge of true love.

Love creates protection. Love has tremendous power. Yes, this is so, but love is given only to those who are worthy to receive it, others pass by its gifts without reverence. Only the Father, our Great Parent, is able to give, like the Sun, to give Light to all living things, the rest only strive for this, including myself. The soul often does not have a decisive vote. She obeys the requests of the Spirit, following the path of his acquired connections. In situations that are culminating situations, the Spirit performs its affairs and the soul only obeys it. But this does not mean that it is impossible to pacify the Spirit and karma of the past. It is possible to stop the galloping horse, and it is possible to give your heart, as the brave Danko did. Karma dominates only those who have allowed her to go beyond the boundaries of the Ego. It is this, the Ego, which now looks like a dragon for many, which spews out the fire of their inner passions into the world, losing its own strength. The dragon is an image of unbridled thoughts that have lost their support. The dragon is an image of the dark side of the human person. And notice, now the Year of the Dragon is the year of the manifestation of the dark sides of human existence. If there are dark angels above you, if they opened their wings, then all the Light coming from the heights to you through your prayer goes to them. By closing you, they receive the energy that is aimed at saving those who need it. And there are a lot of people in need. Now think - who needs it? Think, who lacks Light - the energy of Life? Who is interested in making white black by subjugating it?
I repeat, I do not accept victims. Each soul that works with me receives a shield - the protection of the angelic forces. But often this is not enough, and many could not be protected. I repeat, I was forced to remain silent for many centuries, because the list of those who were deprived of their lives due to communication is very long. The Teaching of Love was turned into a casemate, in which there is no way to take a free step to the left or to the right. But there are those who need it. There are those who, according to the Law of Retribution, are required to pass this school at a different rank, sometimes descending lower and lower.

Prayer, meditation will help you at this moment to save your soul, save it from attacks and understand that the Ultimate Truth can only be known to you in the other world. Only by crossing the line you can see everything in its true light, at the level of the world of energies, and then the meaning of each color will be clear to you without explanation, because the gray and black waves that create discontinuities in the field cannot be confused with anything. There it is impossible not to understand the meaning of what will be obvious, the meaning of deep and simple truths that are presented to you now and not understood by humanity.
Light will not serve Darkness. And this is obvious. The Light cannot be blackened, for, in fact, the soul that serves the Light is already Light to this world - a constant lamp, which can only be extinguished by foolish virgins.
Remember: the garden will bloom, and, enjoying the scent of flowers, bees-workers will approach it, and the Light will fill everyone who is in it with their Love, and the joyful birds will sing, spreading the good news around the world - SPRING IS COMING!

Christ the Teacher
November 13.03.2012, XNUMX