14.08.2014 touch

soprikosnovenie   - Father! I am interested in everything related to Christianity, and, of course, I could not ignore the topic of the Cathars with my attention. People who professed this direction of Christianity, were completely exterminated from the face of the Earth. Why did it happen?

- Yes, child, I expected this question, I know, you have been interested in this topic for a long time. And this topic is very important to clarify everything that happened in that period. You know the facts, but what is behind them? That you want to know? And this topic continues and is connected with the topic of the Inquisition.

It is difficult for Me to speak on this topic, because the death of people of this level will always cause heavy feelings, but it is even harder to realize that these people were deprived of their lives, executed, burned by those who cannot be called people who committed these crimes incompatible with moral human principles incompatible with all laws and commandments.
They had a human face, but their soul, as I said earlier, was arranged differently. In their world they lead a moral lifestyle. And the inhabitants of this world do not even know what the representatives of this distant race were doing in your world. Here are those who can be called outcasts, those who dishonor their clan, their world, their civilization and the galaxy. But such entities, unfortunately, manifest themselves in all worlds. And in your world, too, there are many who disgrace the concept of "man", who go ahead, knowing about the reward, knowing about the punishment. Yes, there are such in many worlds, and it is difficult to reveal their essence right away, but it is those who are called "evil doers." Behind them stands a powerful wall of protection, behind them stands the patron — as you say, the Prince of this world, and it is this patronage that enables them to act cynically and rudely, regardless of the subtle mood of many human souls.
And the human soul has a unique structure. She is unique. It has its own sound, as in the best musical instrument, thanks to the string-threads, which, when precisely connected to all sensitive zones, uniquely interact with the world of matter and energy. The human soul is unique, and it is this uniqueness that attracts the gaze of those who work differently. It is this uniqueness that puts many riddles for them, which they often try to solve in an inhumane way.
They cannot be called people, nor are they what they called themselves - observers. They did evil on Earth, trying to discredit all the brightest and kindest, trying to turn love into an executioner on the block. And what happened?
Love cannot be conquered, it is that eternal that will always be in its foundations on Earth, for this world is created with love for joy. Divine love, unearthly, burning in the souls of the Cathars, tried to burn, under torture, to break the souls of those who believed that God is Love. But the flame of fire engulfed the body, but the soul flew straight to the Sun, to the Highest Light. And for these souls it was a breakthrough, a breakthrough into those worlds that their souls dreamed of returning to. They received peace, they found peace and tranquility in those worlds that provide such compensation. It is impossible to burn the soul, but it takes away all experiences with itself, in its memory, and therefore this experience left a non-healing wound to these souls. They, even being in the purest and good world, cannot free themselves from the horrific sensations of the body that it experienced while burning alive.
These souls differ from everyone who lived on Earth and ended up in this high world, in their isolation, their isolation, a kind of depression and sadness. Traumatized souls cannot fully restore balance in themselves, for any shock, any trauma to the body creates distortions, like a reflection in the gentle body of the soul. It creates scars, relatively speaking, a coarse interweaving of "threads", and a soul that has received this kind of trauma can no longer free itself from deep inner sadness. Sorrows for humanity ...
Cathars are carriers of the pure foundations of knowledge that Christ brought to Earth. The Cathars were able to absorb, absorb this knowledge so subtly that it became their essence, the meaning of their life, for this knowledge was presented to them with all subtlety by a great woman.
Only a woman could do this — so subtly and affordably to transfer the foundations of the Teaching of Love through her delicate feeling soul.

She managed it, for it was intended to be done from Above. Those people who gathered near her were also ready to accept knowledge at the soul level, were sensitive, or it can be said that she managed to attract sensitive, subtle souls who believed her and became the guardians of this knowledge.
Good people were truly good people, they understood the meaning of the phrases that were spoken by Christ as a covenant to the new world. The world had to change by accepting the basics of Christian sayings. People gladly raised the banner of goodness, mercy and love, seeking to fill their lives with knowledge, for their hearts were ready for this. They believed sincerely and purely, they knew that above them there would always be the Light of Love that was given to them. They kept it. They created centers of Light, and it seemed that now the world had finally received support, now he chose the foundation on which the inner Temple will be built, in which the birth and reunion of the soul and the Spirit will be accomplished. Many of them have reached a certain level of perfection - knowing the laws of energies, they learned to control their power, knew the direction of development and followed it clearly. Many reached high levels on this path, for the doctrine bore them great joy and satisfaction, carried them the assurance that knowledge had secret foundations that gave the power of a different, higher order. Many knew what they were striving for, what they wanted and what they had achieved. Having achieved a lot, they did not flaunt themselves; on the contrary, they avoided close attention to themselves. There was no thirst for profit, earthly goods. Honor came as a worthy reward, which you could dream of in silence. Many of them externally lived a normal life, but were engaged in constant internal work, cultivating themselves to achieve results. And there were those who have reached a very high level in this work, becoming perfect.
But most importantly - the Law of Love was clearly followed by them. They regarded children as the most important treasure. They knew how souls come to Earth, and managed to attract many bright souls who, both young souls and those with experience, were not ready to be tested by rude actions.
Every living thing has the right to protection. This is the law. Life is sacred, and protecting life — yourself, family, homeland — is necessary for everyone, becoming a warrior at the right time. There is no commandment to kill. It concerns the intentional killing, deprivation of life, attempt on life through evil intentions. And there is a level of protection when a warrior raises his sword in order to protect the weak in order to save his life, stopping the evil intentions of criminals. It is simply necessary to stop the criminals, showing your will and strength to the full. The sword rises to protect, to protect the property that is developed. And these things were worked out by these people. They truly walked the exact path, but forgot about the sword, forgot about protection, forgot that this world has always been a tasty morsel for the forces that have their own plans to resist.
Resistance to what? - you ask. And I will answer: resistance to the Divine order, which here since the creation of the Earth, they are trying to establish the Forces of Light. Divine order invites all to strive for harmony, peace, love, kindness, to the Light. This procedure determines the equal rights of all living things in this world. In this order there is not and can not be inequality, lies, deception, exploitation - slaves and masters. Everyone gets equally, according to his work. But it suits those who wish to work, who wish to live according to their conscience. But there are others, those who want to rule, conquering those whom they wish to make obedient slaves. This is not the Divine world, not the Divine foundations - this is the world of invaders, hindering the development of this planet and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, access was open to them, and afterwards, at the closure of this corridor, they used multiple loopholes that they were aware of and which they were able to identify.
Perfection, pursuit and aggressive pressure and oppression. How did these two diametrically opposite directions come together in one teaching?
And they didn't connect. A doctrine is a set of axioms that are accepted without proof. This is an integral structure of knowledge, in which each phrase is connected with the letter of the law, where everything interacts at the level of love.
God is love. This is the God of Christ, his Teaching, what he brought and gave to this world, not sparing himself and his life. The God of Love supports life in all its diversity. The God of Love fills this world with Light, and souls bloom, pi ..
[21: 08: 20] Michael C: The God of Love fills this world with Light, and souls bloom, feeding on this Light, open like flowers, rejoicing in the sun and the world. God of Love does not crave blood, revenge, does not call for the creation of institutions of power based on divine tenets. The God of Love is merciful, compassionate, for in the development of higher feelings he sees the development of this world.
A world of joy, enjoyment of life, love - and torture chambers with savage methods of mockery of the human body, and fires that were supposed to break the souls of those who kept the Light in themselves. These are different directions, different understanding of the Teaching.

Child, at that time we did everything possible to help those who called for our help. We managed to create protection for their souls. Not for everyone, only for those who have revealed examples of high courage, resilience and faith that faith is invincible. Their souls left their bodies before the start of torture and execution. And those who unleashed this bloody persecution did not escape responsibility. Burning people alive, they truly played with fire, with Divine foundations, human souls. Believe that the reward they received. Many of them are annihilated and erased due to the recognition of their crimes as crimes against humanity. They were punished by the High Court. And believe me, this Court is the most fair and accurate, because here crimes are detected on the basis of accurate evidence that is not disputed. The High Court made the decision - it is fair.
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November 14.08.2014, XNUMX