pic4Code of honor allows you to assert those unshakable foundations that will become the pillars of the Spirit for every person, observing which a person firmly affirms his choice - to be faithful to the Light, accepting the foundations of morality and morality of the Spiritual world. When talking about the code of honor, it must be remembered that a person who agrees and accepts him, at that moment becomes a servant of the Light.

All living, coexisting on planet Earth, has equal rights to fully manifested life.

Equal rights to life are given by God the Creator from the beginning of the creation of the world.Life is given for the implementation of the general task of the species, kind and personal development, regardless of the form of the living.

Equal rights to life guarantee the right to liberty, for the full maintenance of life in the allotted habitat.

The right to freedom guarantees free development., excluding violence, rudeness, aggression and cruelty of one kind over another.

With a change in attitudes towards all living things at the level of human consciousness, changes will also begin in interspecific personal relationships in living communities.

Claiming the equal rights of all living things, you claim, first of all, the equal rights of Mother Earth as a Living Being.. In such a case, by polluting water bodies, soil, and atmosphere, you have a consumer attitude to the whole complex of living substances that are in symbiosis, thus you are damaging not only your own physical body, but also the body of Mother Earth and the entire set of bioenergetic components of the planets. Or, in other words, by polluting and poisoning your habitat, you are polluting the common field of Mother Earth, including your own biological field. All living things have common connections in a single habitat space.

The ecology of human thought and consciousness is directly connected with the ecology of the Earth, and shaping general rules of conduct, it is necessary to take into account a single module of expression in interdimensional relations. Or all life on the planet is connected by a single habitat space, and each action is reflected in the world of energies in a complex expression.

In other words, by sowing reasonable, good, eternal, you will receive those quality fruits that were laid in the seed. Reaping the same fruits, you should take into account the qualitative components of the crop. Or let the one who sows be an example to him who reaps in the harvest In other words respect for all living things creates a desire for qualitative changes in all spheres of human existence. A chain is formed that unites many important positive moments in thinking, which are holders, pillars of the Spirit and allow you to rise at the level of consciousness.

Exactly increase the level of consciousness of mankind so expect from you, because communication can be made, being approximately at the same level of understanding.

Raising the level of consciousness will create the basis for global change on the planet. And this process begins now. This is moving forward, towards the Light, towards the Divine Source of infinite Power. This is a breakthrough that anyone can make. And this breakthrough will lead to formation ethical behaviorimportant in anticipation of the onset of the New Epoch.

Christ the Teacher

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if you have the opportunity and desire to spread this message, we will be very grateful to you.