Teacher's message 30.11.2018

teacherPeace to all! Peace to all who work! The world is thirsty for knowledge, thirsty for knowledge, for this is the way to comprehend the world, its foundations in new gradations of time.

I continue our communication, our conversation on a topic that I consider important and necessary in the present moment.

Why is the Divine program "You are the gods" violated on Earth? Why did man allow himself to be enslaved? Why, having learned a lot, accepting its experience as a given of life, does humanity not want to return to a harmonious way of life, the development of its immortal and imperishable particle - the soul? You are asking about this, and this is our conversation.

I often recall the world of the beginning of creation, when this amazing radiant blue planet only became habitable, for existence. In that primordial world, the standard of living was of a different quality; in that world, man felt secure, for all Divine creatures had respect and respect for him. What does it mean?

I spoke earlier about the Hierarchy, about the evolutionary ladder of development. Yes, the worlds of the Cosmos, which are open for communication, strictly observe the Law of Hierarchy. This means that, regardless of their opinions or feelings that have arisen, they accept as unshakable truth all the guidance of the one who is higher on the evolutionary ladder, which means that the energy level of the one who is higher has qualitative differences corresponding to his level and that is why he has the opportunity to know more and receive more accurate guidance from Above. The hierarchical ladder does not divide those who stand on it into the privileges of kinship or birth - who is whose son or brother, or who has more fortune or a bank account. The only criterion that determines the level of finding the Spirit is the qualitative and quantitative energies accumulated as a result of the experience gained. It is experience, life experience, that makes it possible for you to accumulate energies of a certain quantity and quality, corresponding to your reactions and actions in all life manifestations. And this potential is the most important accumulation of the spiritual essence, your true wealth, which the soul seeks so much, living its lives in different worlds and dimensions.

But what role does the Earth play in these wanderings of the Spirit? We can say huge. Here most of you pass exams and undergo numerous tests in the world of dense matter. Each spiritual entity seeks to know and test itself in the unique conditions of the manifestations of this world. It is this place, this planet of Free Will, which is one of the main training and testing grounds for the maturation of the soul. And all souls experience a great desire and craving for this planet, because it is here that they are given the chance to maximize their energy level as quickly as possible. We can say that the Earth attracts many, both young and mature souls, like a magnet. And, in fact, these words are true, because inside the Earth, in its center, there is a magnet of enormous strength.

And initially this planet, as I said earlier, had a high status of the heavenly planet. It evoked among those who visited it in those days, delight and admiration for its beauties - terrain reliefs, waterfalls, reservoirs with a unique and inimitable structure of water. It was here, on Earth, that a similar structure of water with life-giving power was introduced and used. Water helped to prolong life, it watered and nourished all living things, and the fruits of trees and herbs were the basis of the life of many creatures. In this blissful status of the heavenly planet, a person mastered the territories, having the opportunity to receive tips and advice at important moments from Above. It was this open connection with the world of the Highest that allowed a person to follow the path laid out from Above, opening this world, knowing himself in harmonious union with the Divine world. It was a time of knowledge and at the same time a time of joy and pleasure from the constant discoveries of this world. The Creator defined the form of life called by man as His greatest creation, as an achievement that summarizes everything previously accumulated. And he created man in His own image and likeness, which means that many forms of life were tested in this world, and only the Image created by the Creator Himself was able to fully satisfy the conditions of manifested life. And it was in this Image that the program for the development "You are the gods" was originally invested, which allows a person to constantly improve himself, climb the evolutionary ladder, constantly developing his skills and abilities.

But what happened after that? At what point was the gap? And what happened to the development program? You know the answers to these questions, but I will answer myself. After the person failed to hold the connection thread with the world of the Highest and there was a break, non-connection, when there is no connection in the Energy flow and a smooth flow of thought, like the transmitted thought, it breaks off ... Light from the gap does not light up. This gap occurred during the change of government, when, according to the Law of Alternation, another Creator ruled the world. In times of change, there were deviations from the moral foundations, norms of behavior, a person stopped listening to the instructions from Above and follow them. Violations from the minimum began to approach unacceptable. You are aware of these departures from the revelations given to you.

To talk about that dark side of history means to enumerate many, many gross and bloody events, to enumerate violations from which the destructive energy of revenge was transmitted, as if along a chain. The earth shook with the violence and aggression of its children living on it. The revenge regime set in motion all the dark force, which expected that a person would be stripped of his power and punished through the deprivation, or erasure, of the You Are Gods program. In fact, humanity has been on the brink of destruction many times, including self-destruction. And these are the darkest and most difficult moments in the history of civilizations. But, despite serious retreats and even crimes against life, the Divine program was preserved in the matrix of consciousness, and it was decided to activate it now. That is, to give the opportunity to those who are ready to embark on this path, the path of manifestation in oneself of the Divine essence, the Divine Principle in an open form. After this decision, much is revealed, activated, and transformed. There is an accelerated evolutionary process, but not for everyone. Only those who are ready for this process participate in it, while the rest are in a constant process of hesitation from faith to mistrust. And it cannot be otherwise, because one can transform, or transform, only what is determined, what has a form, or an image that needs to be changed. At this time, most people participate in this process only indirectly, without a stable form of the soul and a real image of the future. Most of humanity is in a state of unpreparedness, and this does not surprise us. But it is necessary for everyone, absolutely everyone, to be given a chance for internal changes. Before a complete change in the flow of energies occurs, it is necessary to prepare people for this.

We wish good for everyone who lives. We also want to be heard and understood. I say “we”, because behind me stand many and many of those who bake and worry about you, earthlings. We see a lot before it happens in your world, and we do our best to make many dangerous events safe. We are thinking about you, trying to mitigate the damage from many events that could harm you on a planetary scale. We are working, trying to be useful to you, trying to help you, protecting you from many serious difficulties and problems.

I want to repeat once again that we are with you. We are for peace! We believe in a bright future! We are working for a new world on Earth!

So be it!

Christ the Teacher

November 30.11.2018, XNUMX