30.01.2014 touch

soprikosnovenieI am glad to communicate and want, first of all, to wish you peace in your soul.
Believe me, passions are there, they are heating up, but you have come to the climax of the point, you have come to the point of no return.
This means that a new stage begins. It will take effect slowly, gradually. While it's cold, do not open the window wider, do you think?
Should I wait for the arrival of spring?
I am not saying that it is necessary to wait so long to resolve the situation. Not! The situation can be resolved in one day. But this requires consolidation and taking responsibility as never before. Energies can be released through a narrow passage, and then everything will happen gradually, or they can quickly leave if the window is opened. But you understand what I said earlier: if you open the window, you can freeze, get injured, and, of course, you just can't stand it.
I speak allegorically. I speak as the Law of Free Will allows me. 
Your will is the main condition for making a decision. We expect you to manifest it. We expect you to identify your positions and be able to do a lot.

Of course, in difficult times it is imperative to ask for help, but in order not to come a difficult moment, it is necessary to manage the situation in advance. I'm talking about something important now.

Now the situation requires management. She is in a state of non-action. And it is simply necessary to act. This is your world, and you are the masters in it.

There is a Creator God who sent you here to grow up. Children can ask the Father for advice, and this is important to Him. It is important that the children show respect for Him in doing so. But you must understand that asking for help is not perceived as a solution to your problems by our efforts. 

Asking for help is perceived as an opportunity to strengthen you, to give energy to help that will help you in solving your problems. Such energy is given to you all the time, you just need to learn to use it. Balance is simply necessary, otherwise all our efforts will be in vain and energy will simply be wasted.
The world is on the verge of change. The border is passed, but the stages are shifted. The call for help is obligatory with the knowledge that after it an open stream comes to you. Use it for the purpose for which the petition was sent.

The energies of Light have tremendous power. The energies of Light are capable of creating, creating, and if the vector of their application is shifted, then the opposite effect occurs. Remember that this battle has already been lost in the subtle world. This battle for the affirmation of glory as a powerful energy - as a movement towards the laws of harmony.

Light has the ability to put everything in its place. But this will be a battle, in which a powerful movement at the level of energies will begin, and it will no longer be stopped. If you are ready to accept these events, then a petition to resolve the situation from the standpoint of the Forces of Light is necessary. The request will be submitted for approval to the Council of Hierarchy, and there will be an answer. Power and energy will be given, as well as the inclusion of the heavenly host, the defenders of the foundations of the Light, can be asked. 
Your will is needed. You need your full awareness of the situation, you need to see more clearly a few steps ahead and be strategists. This is your life and you make decisions. Match them with your soul.
Be discerning! Learn in all situations! At the same time, do not lose your vigilance! You are being watched not only by the world of the Earth, but also by all the worlds of your Galaxy. Many people know the outcome, but events unfold in the present moment, and therefore, just like you, we worry about you.
We empathize with you. 
And so make time your ally. Make time your helper. Activate your capabilities and read what is written in the shower. This is an experience, perhaps difficult and emotional, but it must put everything in its place in human souls. Those who fail to do this will leave the Earth. This corresponds to the laws of the Universe and terrestrial conditions.
Soon, very soon you will have to pass the main test. Pass it with dignity, keeping peace in your soul and balance. This situation opens many gates, including the gates of the soul. This situation will exclude those who are not ready.
(not completed)

November 30.01.2014, XNUMX