Teacher's message 19.10.2018

teacherPeace to all!

We continue our communication, our conversations, which should help in this moment to understand a lot. But first, a little bit different. You know many musical instruments. They all sound different, even if they play the same melody. Each instrument has its own fine tuning, its own special sound. And when all the sounds of different instruments merge into a single melody under the control of a conductor, you hear the harmonious sounds of an orchestra. In the orchestra, each instrument has its own part, its own time of joining the rhythm and sound of the melody, or that important place and time when the musician has to extract the sounds necessary for a common harmonious melody. If a musician is late, or he thinks a long time, or at an important moment he misses the outline assigned to him only for sounding, then he loses his ability to play his part of the melody at the right time and in the right place. The orchestra continues to play further, but the important and necessary sound is lost.

I speak figuratively, trying to explain important points in the events that have taken place. Yes, the orchestra had already performed its symphony, but this sound lacked many sounds that were important for the overall melodic range of intertwining sounds. I am trying to say that it is impossible to return the lost time and the victory, alas, is not ours. And therefore I speak, I repeat constantly about the seriousness of the moment.

Everything that I am talking about happens at the level of the world of energies.

- But where is he? - you may ask. - Why can't I see him? How can I strengthen my faith, will and strength?

And I will answer. The vision of the world of energies was originally given to a person as the ability to perceive this world more holistically and deeply. The vision of the subtle world, the world of energies is not a feature and not the ability of individuals who have received this opportunity as a gift, but a gift for each of you. That is why I have been talking about the brain for many years, trying to give you the key to activate important points that can reveal your possibilities. But after that it became clear and understandable to me that the process of opening important points of the brain can lead to serious changes in your life. And above all, to your separation and distance from the community of people and the doom of many of you to loneliness, the blissful loneliness of knowing yourself, inner silence and peace away from the world of passions. This is also the path, but one must be prepared for it. But this is not the result that most of you expect, not the result that many of you should come to in this time, and therefore you do not understand what has been said. Your karmic protection is triggered, or, in other words, there is that load of unsolved tasks behind you that needs to be carried to the destination. Having received the gifts, like many opportunities for knowing oneself, it is necessary to use them for their intended purpose. You don't have such a need yet. I am speaking in general, not highlighting anyone, but this is the big picture, and you are able to figure out a lot on your own.

And in this case, while information about the world of energies can be perceived by you from my words, that is, be taken on faith. And according to your faith, let it be to you!

Now about the confrontation of the worlds. I'm talking about strengthening this confrontation. From the word itself it is clear that the two Forces stand opposite each other. And so it is. I have already explained what I mean by the word "confrontation". Now I will explain in more detail who is standing opposite each other.

I have already explained that there are those who live in parallel worlds. He said that there are three corridors leading to these worlds. Among them there is the most powerful world, which flourished at the time of the approach of Jupiter to the Luminary. I said that it was about 250 thousand years ago. I will not tell or repeat this story in detail, because I have already said this more than once. This powerful civilization is now located in the bowels of the Earth, but cooperates with many worlds and entered into a coalition with those who betrayed the interests of the Earth and want to capture this planet in their own interests. What unites these worlds is the desire to rule and rule, which has already been partially accomplished by them, as well as the technocratic approach to the world, the desire to use man as a labor force for his own purposes. To put it bluntly, now they are the Rulers of the Earth, they were voluntarily given power by people unable to see and distinguish. Their task is not to develop a person as a spiritual entity, but to make him like a robot, offering more and more work and, accordingly, more and more technological developments and desires to possess them - more innovations, gadgets, discoveries, achievements in all areas of life. And this, in its own way, develops the world of matter and leads to an equalization of possibilities in comparison with the possibilities of the worlds of the Galaxy. But there is another, extremely dangerous line, crossing which we will not be able to help you in the present moment, this is the loss of spiritual guidelines - truths and principles that are important for the soul, for its development, after that - the loss of connection with our soul and Spirit. And the worst thing is that with such robotization, a person is often unable to sense and feel a lot, graduating his feelings, losing the thread of faith in God the Creator, and at the extreme point - losing his soul, his immortal particle. And sadly, this process is happening now with many, and, like a whirlpool, it draws in many. This process of spiritual degradation is like a rapidly flowing stream of water that carries away everything and everyone.

We have made a decision to enable earthlings to make an informed choice and stop this process of gradual enslavement. But when many agreements were violated, other obligations entered into force. And more radical measures had to be taken. The laws of wartime came into force. Unfortunately, this is so. Between us, and we are those who have every reason to preserve, protect and defend the Earth, we are those who work under the direct control of the One who created this creation and put His programs for development into it, and this is the Creator of the Earth Himself, now having the authority to rule at this time. It was with the rights of the Creator that we entered this confrontation, for such was and is His Will. The One who created the Earth has the right to incarnate and realize His Idea, His Intention on it. And this Idea is fundamentally different from the goals and objectives of the opponents. Colonization of the Earth was never included in the plans of the Creator. But the coalition of the worlds facing us is quite strong and active, especially since many representatives of the lower worlds have joined it, those who are facing the threat of leaving the Earth. Yes, in the future they will have to leave this Earth. And not only they will have to leave this planet, but also many apostates. And therefore, this is a real struggle not only for territory, but also for life on it.

The struggle in the present moment does not bring success, they are active and collected, purposeful, they know how to act quickly and block many paths, closing the way for the implementation of their plans. They act boldly, hiding behind the Law of Free Will, hoping for complete impunity. The Creator acts in a different way, treating humanity like the Father treats His child. Yes, this child still cannot do much, makes many mistakes, stumbles and falls, until he believes in many things, does not know about many things. But time passes, and the desired changes are minimal. The percentage of those who are able to listen and understand is declining, as is our ability to communicate with those who are able to understand. We are looking for a way out in this situation and are exploring all the possibilities. You can help us. Everyone can identify what area of ​​work they can do and pray for guidance. Those who can help in this moment will receive hints and directions on the way to implement the plan.

This is the most difficult and responsible time for you. You are the first wave to reach the coast in time, you must do a lot. It is not yet time to speak openly about further plans. But the topic will be continued, and the corridor for questions on the topic is open - they can be asked further.

Christ the Teacher

November 19.10.2018, XNUMX