Teacher's message 16.03.2018

teacherCommunication ... This word is associated with the identification of the common between us. This common is manifested at the level of energies in the first place, and after - at the verbal level. At first, when we feel, we are looking for something in common that will help us understand each other. For this you are here - for the knowledge of life in its entirety, for interaction and cooperation, for the manifestation of all the qualities of your soul. Otherwise it is impossible. I tell you: learn - constantly, everywhere and everywhere look for a source of knowledge, or an important experience that will help you to comprehend the science of discrimination. And this is a unique opportunity that is provided in this world at a unique time of change. At this time, everything gradually opens and manifests itself, and you can clearly see the many separate parts that make up a single picture of the world. It happens, as it may seem to you that these individual parts do not fit into the overall plan, it also happens that the individual parts do not correspond to their location. But the big is seen at a distance, and now, at this particular time, many of you are given a chance to prove yourself in full. And this manifestation is not always built on the Idea of ​​renewal and change for the good, often an individual realizes his or her possibilities through the ego.

I'm talking about the fact that it is extremely dangerous to transfer knowledge in a period when the fluctuations in the scales are quite large, because general perception is not ready for this, discrete thinking divides the general picture of the world into parts, splits knowledge down to the smallest components, leaving only that small the part that is as clear and safe as possible. It is safety that guides those who turn their backs on the future, returning to their usual rituals and manifestations. But the world of the future is different. It does not need to be driven into the framework of today's world. He will stand on completely new foundations, that is, he will acquire completely new forms of manifestation of faith. These are not familiar temples, like premises dedicated to God and His Prophet alone, these are places in which the flow of the planet's energies to Heaven is clearly felt, and vice versa. In such places, magnificent rooms for non-verbal prayer will be created. Communication with God the Creator requires silence and mood, requires deep immersion and revealing your feelings. The inner world of a person will open in such places without pathos and unnecessary words. Everyone will be able to feel the Divine Power. Special sounds will create the mood. They sound rhythmically at regular intervals. These tools have not yet been revealed to you, although the technologies for their creation have already been transferred to Earth. There have been attempts to create them, and there are even rough analogues so far. But the sounds of these Divine instruments will be able to create the mood and state for entering the Stream. Yes, such Temples, let's conditionally call them the Temples of the Sun, will be tuned to solar rhythms and vibrations, and it is in such places that it will be possible not only to see the color filling of the Stream in the Ray passing through the dome, but also to feel and feel its filling. This is straight-knowledge. The science that you have not yet understood. But the perception of the Stream (so, with a capital letter, I will designate the main Stream of the Universe) is possible at this level. Reading information at the level of straight-knowledge is, however strange it may seem to you, the most subtle and accurate. Such perception will instantly allow you to feel, and then to understand and accept all the information of the Flow. The news feed about what is happening can be read at the most subtle level - the level of the heart - and create a connection with the mind through the possibilities of the soul. Such a decoding is the most complete, allowing you to see more, like frames from a film strip, without analysis, which enters this process later, as a moment of awareness. I am talking now about the capabilities of the human brain of the future. The rapid transfer of knowledge in the present time leads to a chaotic state of the mind, without activating the brain. But you must remember: your possibilities are enormous, you can do a lot. And most importantly, strive for knowledge at all levels. Knowledge is power, it opens the way for you to Truth, knowing which you will become free.

Again, I'm talking about freedom. I'm talking about freedom for those who have built in themselves the main frame of moral and ethical norms and components. Without this foundation, freedom will not give progress. Freedom without internal discipline will lead to chaos, to the death of civilization. And at the same time, only freedom can open for you the Path to your true Self.

What I'm talking about? What do you understand from what I say? What will the world of the future be like in your opinion? Try to lift the veil through meditation. What do you think freedom is? How can you define this word? What prevents a person from thinking freely?

Christ the Teacher

November 16.03.2018, XNUMX