Teacher's message 23.02.2018

teacherSo, we come to the main concepts that play a key role in the future transformation. We are starting to understand them. And the first thing I draw attention to is an increase in the level of consciousness, without which it is impossible to achieve the necessary changes in the system. It is from the awareness of important, key spiritual concepts, from the moment of structuring the entire spiritual-conceptual system, that the first stage of transformation will begin - the transition to new "rails" for moving along a new track. It is impossible to pour new, young wine into old wineskins, and therefore at an important moment of transition it is necessary to create new forms, or to receive information from a new stream. With a change in the frequency of vibrations, with entering a frequency corridor of a different order and bringing the brain to a synchronous rhythm, global changes will begin at all levels. And it will be in the near future. The new generation is ready for these changes, the main thing is to maintain and maintain this readiness.

Let's talk about the rhythms of the universe. Earlier we talked about the energy flow. Expand this concept. As can be understood from the phrase itself, energy and information alternate in the carrier stream. Is it so? Or is the energy itself, in fact, already information, or is it an alternation of equal in strength components in the flow? This is a question for you.

For now we should present this Flow at the level of the image. Close your eyes. Gently enter into the rhythm of breathing practices close to you. Breath ... and you try to catch or feel the flow of energies coming to you, it is likened to it. Try not only to catch, but also to feel, feel and, if possible, see.

You know that the energy-information flow is associated with the field structures of the Earth. That is, having received the opportunity to enter this stream, you provide yourself with full access to knowledge, not only stored in the memory of the Earth, but also the key to the knowledge of the Universe. You will be able to study independently through the universal "Internet", getting all the knowledge from the daily news feed. To do this, you need to align yourself with this flow and prepare your brain for such a connection. It’s not that easy.

Therefore, first, answer the question: what do you think is the energy-information flow? How do you imagine it? Are you getting in touch with him?

Christ the Teacher

November 23.02.2018, XNUMX