Teacher's message 08.12.2017

teacherSo, all your thoughts and wishes for me are clear and understandable, and now the main thing that I am striving for is that between us there was complete acceptance and understanding. I will give simple tasks, it is necessary to reveal the essence in them. Those who understand what is at stake expand the task and their answers as much as possible, those who are just trying to understand also carry out important and necessary work in this direction.

Now I will speak with the aim of activating your thinking, with the aim of considering many stereotyped foundations of knowledge from the standpoint of figurative-intuitive.

Why am I talking about this? It would seem that in your rapid time of development of scientific and technological progress, knowledge is pouring in to you like from a cornucopia. Why is it necessary to develop intuitive-figurative thinking, if there is a different general mood - a single field of general thought forms, from which it is quite easy to draw knowledge? But what is being offered to you now presupposes a somewhat one-sided development, which excludes many human capabilities, including the possibilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairvoyance. Now we have entered a new phase when it becomes possible to discover much in ourselves, and now it is clear in which direction knowledge will be directed. Therefore, I will speak differently.

The essence of this lesson is in meditation. Place the familiar brain diagram sheet in front of you. Consider everything carefully. Then try to imagine, visualize what you saw - enter the space of the brain and travel in it, reaching its center. At this central point, you will see a unique picture of the well-coordinated interaction of many constituent parts. The brain is called a computer, rightfully considering it one of the main organs of the body.

Imagine that your field, controlled by your thought, is compressed to a point - a small sphere. Your consciousness is shifted to this point, this point is able to project the vision of the brain analyzers. You easily and freely enter inside yourself (if fear or fear arises, then visualize the volumetric diagram) through the pupil of the right eye, leaving the possibility of an instant exit through the left pupil. At the same time, it is necessary to use breathing practices of prolonged inhalation and exhalation. And then describe what he saw. Try to see the well-coordinated work of all parts. Try to compare and characterize the work of each beat and component.

All the constituent parts of the brain are necessary and important, each of them has its own important functional task, and the coordinated work of all parts occurs in a special uniform rhythm, similar to the work of parts in a clock mechanism. Feel it! Synchronize with him and follow the thought. You can see the process of generating thought, which is, in fact, unique. You can consider those parts that were difficult for you to perceive and understand. Your journey can lead you to a central focal point on which the imaginative perception of the world depends. What do you think this point is? So how does a thought arise? Did you manage to see something new?

Describe your trip.

Christ the Teacher

November 8.12.2017, XNUMX