What's new with us?

A new program for the diagnosis of the aura. It contains 1 variations, so you can say that your field will look individual and unique. It is interesting for me to work with this program, we are also installing the second one, which will show the live movement and glow of the chakras.

Game Radical Forgiveness, in which we played being in Israel, in an ecovillage. For the first time I saw that spiritual principles and knowledge can be laid in the game. In this game there is an appeal to the Higher Power, which everyone can name in different ways. In this game, we all learn to evaluate life in a new way, considering all life's vicissitudes from a different angle. This allows us to leave the Land of Sacrifices, in which we are all located, to reach Light, Enlightenment. Now I hold this game at the Center every weekend. I invite - come! An interesting observation - before the last game, I asked the participants to make an aura, and after that, at the end of the game, when we went out into the Light, we watched it again. Surprisingly, we were all filled with Light, our field was white, but different fillings, different shapes and combinations of colors were visible.

I invite to the game those who want to seriously revise many situations and events in their lives, transform negative into positive, realizing that everything is happening in accordance with the Divine plan and order.

December 24 open meeting"Symbol of the Year", in which we will create in meditation the thought form of our desires, dreams. We will clothe or encode it into a symbol and show it in the drawing. After that we will draw it again on a clay tablet, which, like the drawing (if desired, it can be done either with paints or with pastels), we will hang it in a conspicuous place. This symbol will begin its work, allowing us to achieve what we want.

For me this work is interesting and I invite those who are interested in it as well as me.

Regarding payment ... Despite the fact that the conditions for the existence of our Center and Club are becoming tougher, I still remain on the principle that a person should pay as a charitable aid, only evaluating what he has received, commensurate with his capabilities. Therefore, your charitable help will help us to be, to exist, to help us do good deeds.

I also want to put my paintings up for sale, for those who can feel the investment in them.

I invite everyone to support us!

Elena Novosit