Teacher's message 10.11.2017

teacherFinally, the moment came when our opportunity opened up to clarify a lot, or to dot all the i's. Of course, our conversation will be about the work done.

You made an expedition trip, visiting places that witnessed a catastrophe of tremendous power. And, despite the enormous power of the elements, a part of the island’s land that you visited turned out to be not submerged, and even at the very moment of the catastrophe experienced the impact of the elements for a not so long time. I say that a wave of tremendous power touched this part of the earth, but rather quickly it sank and freed part of the hill from the water.

What does this mean? That it was in this place that among the large number of victims there were also those who were saved, those who managed to survive the disaster. This was not observed on any other part of the land. On other parts of the land that fell within the range of the elements, no rescues were observed - the water carried away everything and everyone. It is extremely interesting that this particular zone of the Atlantic was the epicenter of the origin of the unprecedented strength of the tsunami and, at the same time, tremors of tremendous strength. And yet it is here - at the epicenter - that the wave spread in four directions, leaving part of the earth - the top of the volcano - untouched. It was in this zone that people were saved.

The fact that many of you failed to remember yourself, your presence in these lands and at the time, suggests that you failed to create a deep, serious attitude, failed to enter the resonant flow, failed to synchronize yourself, your soul with a stream of that time. Perhaps, if it happened otherwise, it would be difficult for you to move further in the rhythm that you have identified. A respite would be necessary, and quite a long one, because the first task was not realized by you, but the energies received with you are in you, and therefore it is possible to fill this in the present moment.

How? You are filled with the energies of that land, that territory. Without exaggeration, I will say that you fell into the Stream and received energies of tremendous strength and power. Keeping them in yourself is not an easy task. Not everyone managed to stand it. But, as you know, energy is a part of the Flow. The flow consists of multiple channels, rays, which are part of the energy-information flows. These streams are vectorially connected to the channels of the past and the future. You have come to the point of contact, the interaction of flows. If it is available to explain, you hit a point that splits reality into two components - into the layer of the past and, in the gap from it, the layer of the future.

The past, present and future exist simultaneously due to the finding of all energy-informational components in a single volume - the cube of time. These layers have a single thread of connection, which, like a fairy tangle, shows movement along the way. But in this zone there was a break, a break in the thread - a stratum of the past, like an island, torn off from the land and exists separately from the history of mankind, it has little connection with the present moment and, moreover, with the future, which is designated. We tried to reunite. This attempt was not made on a mental and verbal level. This attempt was made at an energetic level. Part of the stratum of knowledge was able to be reunited into a common system of human knowledge, and now the memory opening should begin for those who are connected with the energy-information flows of that time. There are many of them nowadays. The level of the incarnated, connected with the streams of that time, has now reached its maximum. And now they will receive support and help. This is what has to do with the streams of the past.

Do not believe those who say that only your present and future are important to you, that the past is what has become obsolete, sunk into oblivion. Everything is connected, everything must interact, and memories of the past will help you find the door to the future. Help to find? So this door has not been found yet? Yes it is. You made an attempt, and this attempt was a serious training for you. You temper in working conditions, get incredibly important experience. And this is important.

Do not evaluate all that happened only from the standpoint of human beings. These will always be purely subjective evaluations. Evaluate your actions and decisions, your activities as the most active or not. You have something to think about and what to rethink. In general, I appreciate the overall work of the team as diligent, seasoned and decent. Everyone tried, everyone wanted to work. Willingness to work was high, but still not high enough for such a big goal. The level of faith in all positions prevented you from fully understanding everything and passing all the tests, finding the third point I was talking about. But this is the future.

October 13, 2017, location - Fatima, Portugal. On this day, you had to find out the time of the phenomenon that occurred and observe the star at the right hour. You have failed to see the sign sent to you. There was a lack of proper concentration and unity. But still, much that you did not see there still happened. On October 16, 2017, this phenomenon was repeated in different zones of the Earth. And only a few have grasped the beginning, the end and the process itself.

I would like to talk about the process itself - about the processes associated with the Sun. This will be our next story.

Christ the Teacher

November 10.11.2017, XNUMX