Teacher's message 11.08.2017


(…) As you know, memory is that imperishable treasure that is the property of the Spirit. Without opening memory, the Spirit cannot take over and often loses itself, that is, it does not manifest itself in union with the soul. Yes, the Spirit does not manifest its individuality, its I, with a closed memory. Memory is an invaluable treasure of the Spirit, which contains the experience of living in past incarnations, all accumulated knowledge, as well as all experiences - emotions and feelings. Memory is an important component of consciousness, allowing, after evaluating this experience, to realize oneself, one's role in this life. A person deprived of memory becomes a patient of a certain kind of hospital establishment. Individual clans that now rule humanity are striving to understand and find the place where the human memory stores are located. It is these searches that are being intensively carried out on Earth today, and they lead to results. Many experiments have succeeded, and there are already worthy discoveries in this area. But as a result of these discoveries, the irreversible can happen - losing memory, and I repeat this not for the first time, humanity will lose touch with the past and future. The thread of connection in the present will break, and the road to the desired future, which, undoubtedly, should be bright, will be interrupted.

Therefore, I will begin to give simple and even light exercises that will help you gradually and very carefully open the secret gates of your subconscious. To do this, you must reveal the desire to know more about yourself and to accept yourself with dignity in all guises.

For those who have revealed a desire, we will hold a meditation-relaxation. Initially, as always, protective prayers. This is important and simply necessary. After that I suggest not to hurry. Remember that this practice should take place in a state of complete rest and relaxation. Nothing should disturb you. Try to think about it. All a few minutes to prepare - and begin. Breath - at the expense of one, exhalation - at the expense of two, three. So at least a few minutes, preferably longer. We breathe in a calm and precise rhythm, bring ourselves into a state of relaxation, feeling how all parts of the body gradually relax. Try to create yourself the most comfortable environment, so that at this time no one and nothing distracts you. Try, in a state of relaxation, to let in the thought of your desire and intention within yourself. Imagine that there is a conditional door that has a shutter, that is, it is firmly closed, sparing you. But you come to her, and ... At first you can just touch her, you can just look at her, look at it and dwell on it. Measure your actions with your abilities. What will be your actions when you come to this cherished door? What do you see or imagine behind the door?

Behind the door there are storerooms of memory, similar to a labyrinth, once in which, you will have to, remembering many things, experience everything you see. Therefore, at first we simply approach and prepare ourselves for the discovery process, before leaving it. Are you ready for this? Or would you rather just stand at the door for now? This is a question for you.

The discovery of memory is a painful process. Every wrong turn in the maze leads to a dead end. Such dead ends are often met in your lives. And there is no other way out, no other way, just turn back and move to the starting point in order to look again and find the right road. Walking in the labyrinth of memory can reveal to you both the most beautiful and the most unworthy of your actions, and even misconduct. A willingness is needed for accepting oneself true and all accumulated in oneself. It is necessary to learn to accept oneself as true, with all the accumulated baggage, in which there is also a load of errors, which can be quite heavy. We need to prepare ourselves, prepare for acceptance and study of our mistakes in the past.

I spoke earlier about the tangle, now I'm talking about the maze. And these images are connected. It is the cherished thread that will help you get out of the labyrinth, return to the present, doing a tremendous job with your past. But so far only the beginning of the practice, which I will talk about.

Christ the Teacher
November 11.08.2017, XNUMX