An answer to the question about the role of Glastonbury - the island of Avalon in the present time


Greetings, Master! I have long been interested in places of power in Scotland. At the moment, I would like to learn from a cosmic, spiritual scale about a point called Glastonbury, the ancient name is the island of Avalon, from ancient times revered as a symbol of the Mother Goddess. Legends about King Arthur, Merlin, associated with this place, and about the labyrinths of Avalon have survived to this day.

What role does this place play in the present time for the space of the Earth and the Cosmos and does it play at all?


So, we will talk about a topic that is of interest to you at the present moment. The places of power of the Earth - what role do they play in the life support of the planet and what is the significance of the place called Glastonbury and the Isle of Avalon?

Yes, legends about the events taking place there, about the glorious knights of the Round Table, about magicians and wizards have reached your days. What can I add to the information you know?

If we look at the Earth from a height, then, having an expanded vision, we will be able to observe the pulsating points on the body of the planet. These points are similar to acupuncture points on the human body. These points are important as open points of access and interaction of energies. There are recoil points and there are fillings. You know that. Such places can be called places of power of different scale and potential. There are points of planetary scale, there are points of local significance. All of them are important and necessary for the energy supply of the planet as a whole and of a given area in a particular place. Conventionally, the points of return are associated with open access to the energy of the Earth, the points of filling are connected by energy exchange with the Cosmos. Again, conditionally, the first points will be connected with the feminine, maternal energy, the second with the masculine, qualitatively different.

So, today we are talking about a point associated with feminine, maternal energy - and this is the ancient island of Avalon. Since ancient times, sorceress women have felt such places as filling them and their offspring with special power. Usually such places became cult places. There they worshiped goddesses of various levels and ranks, that is, those Spirits who entered into interaction with a person, teaching him, passing on the accumulated knowledge. Occasionally, such goddesses lived in such places in the human body as the Spirits of Nature, but more often they remained at the subtle material level, allowing them to manifest themselves in different forms and types. They were called and are called "goddesses" according to the level of their capabilities and manifestations, which, undoubtedly, were higher than ordinary human ones. In such places - places of power - there was usually a Ruler Spirit, or That, and now we are talking about the One who ruled this place. Yes, the island of Avalon is associated with the Spirits of Nature. It was the place where sacred contact was established by the Atlanteans. And it was they who began, in accordance with the energies of the area, to honor the Mother Goddess in this place. The shape of the island was like a tree, it manifested powerful energies of generation, and the central point is not accidentally named Thor. And the apple tree was considered a tree of the most manifested feminine energy, a symbol of the eternal continuity of life. It was at this place that one could feel the powerful rotation of energies, like a volcano throwing out its strength.

During the Atalanta, I will call them that, at this place was the Temple of the Goddess, it was surrounded by waters. And on certain days, residents of neighboring places flocked there, but not only. From all possible and impossible places flocked guests. They walked for months to attend a celebration dedicated to the Mother Goddess. It was believed that it was on the designated days that the Goddess was supportive of everyone, but more precisely one could say that it was on these days that the outgoing energy level was as high as possible, and all the parishioners felt an unprecedented power of grace - the flow of energy. All those who needed the blessing of family relationships, all who wished to have descendants, went to this place, because, according to the ideas of that time, they received the blessing of the Goddess herself. The goddess often had her oracle, that is, the person who voiced her thoughts. Such a person was most often a Vestal girl who devoted her life to such a ministry. She was the one who constantly lived in this place, preserving and preserving its purity. She performed certain rituals, and these rites were transferred to her as a successor from the first practicalities of Earth. First of all, in such ceremonies there was voice accompaniment, or singing in a certain voice register. Such a voice sounded so loud and clear at high frequencies that it could work wonders from your position. He could awaken all life. He could interact with souls on a subtle level. I am talking about the abilities and skills of ancient people, whose knowledge, as well as the connection with which, is now lost to you. I’m talking about the links between civilizations, in which some - the next ones - became heirs, heirs to the previous ones.

Knowledge, like rituals, was passed along the hereditary chain, while maintaining the accuracy and consistency of all ritual actions, preserving their strength and power. Nowadays, the chain of knowledge transfer has been lost. Hence, what I am talking about was common for understanding in those days when Avalon was one of the centers of veneration and worship of the Mother Goddess, who preserves all life on Earth. But you know the saying: everything flows, everything changes. Over time, this place began to lose its strength, for new times had come. The center of power of the Earth - the Mother Goddess - gradually lost attention to itself, for energies of a different order began to dominate. They have changed a lot in this unique place. And first of all, they blocked and closed access to this blessed life-giving energy to those who needed it. If before that, the spouses, before conceiving a child, first asked for procreation in this place, and they were filled in the fountain of power with this powerful pure blessed energy. They called to themselves those souls that would be close to them. And the answer was often not long in coming. Smooth succession helped in the transfer of knowledge at the highest level.

In the days of early Christianity, the knowledge of the Celts seamlessly merged with the sayings of the new Christian faith. One added another, but it did not last long. There came a time when all previous ties were violently interrupted, the thread of continuity was cruelly torn, the connection of times was denied. The Mother Goddess, in the planted knowledge, became an opponent of God the Father, for these thoughts about the indisputable primacy of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit became the trend of that time.

The Mother Goddess is an inseparable part of the Trinity, of the unified energies that circulate in the Circle of Life and are the energies of generation. Without this power, life would have long ceased on Earth. God the Father is a powerful spiritual energy - and the Holy Spirit of the Mother Goddess is, in fact, equal in strength and significance not only on Earth, but in the whole Universe. The powerful force of the maternal energies was blocked by buildings of a different order and opposite energies, and incarnated from the lower worlds began to penetrate the Earth. Mother Goddess kept in touch with those who were waiting for their time to embody. Having lost contact with it, leveling its value, the road was opened for unlawful beings, spiteful creatures, who began to create lawlessness. The time of Chaos came, the imbalance of energies that led to many tragedies. Avalon Island is waiting for its time to open to pure souls who will restore its true purpose, and this will change a lot in the life of earthlings.

We will talk about labyrinths and their meaning separately.

Christ the Teacher
July 2017