Teacher's message 10.03.2017

teacherToday we will move on, because the time has come to stop and remember the past. I am talking about the practices that have been given to you. Have you tried to organize them. But the work is not over and should be continued. An exam awaits us, as a summing up. And, most importantly, nowadays - to build up the potential, and not to underestimate it.

Tests and temptations ... Let's talk on this topic. Tests are a kind of exams, like summing up, revealing your true position and reaction to what is happening. Often, the test itself shows life, but it happens differently ... Tests come to many in this world. They are like an indicator of readiness or unavailability in the necessary advance, they put a lot in place, allowing a lot to be determined more accurately. Often the exam is in the selection stage. He chooses between two diametrically opposed solutions to the problem. And much depends on this choice. Depends primarily on the direction of the path of the test. And often as a result of the choice, the road changes drastically. It’s extremely difficult, difficult and even dangerous to make choices at a time when the veil hides the true state of affairs. But these difficult tests are given to many nowadays as they become ready. And to go through them, having truly manifested itself, is simply necessary.

There is a shield and there is a visor. They can be material, or they can be created by your thought and used at the necessary moments. You know about it. But what if fate opens the gates of trials unexpectedly? What will you do in a moment of trial? How do you understand the difficulty of the assignment and the special conditions for its implementation? You need to build up strength, you need to understand that we have received enough time for training, for preparation, and now the time has come for manifestation.

There are zones of concentration of special power (I will call it that). Different rules and regulations apply in these zones. In such areas, traps or cobwebs can be placed, relatively speaking. And the main thing is not to get caught in them.

Now I will explain differently. Spider weaves a web. In this web, not only flies can please. What does a spider do when the victim gets to it? The only answer is that it is saturated with it, at the cost of its life. I speak allegorically, otherwise I can not. But there is a warning in what I said. And later I will talk about him differently. In the meantime, you should know that the beginning of the battle is indicated. But there are unfinished business. It is necessary to complete them only with a positive outcome. Only with an open visor and only with the desire and attitude to win. Tests and temptations can lead you to the "web", your task is to recognize it in time and stop in time. I am talking about serious things, that we do not have the right to become victims.

What do we have to do? Practice and ask for protection in advance, and not in the last moments. It must be remembered that the heat in the struggle continues, and you, making a choice, become participants in the events. I will give recommendations to the group separately, with more detailed clarifications. And while I say - we are preparing - seriously and thoroughly. We remember the main thing. We study at every moment, realizing that it is at that moment that the test-exam takes place. It must pass without casualties, in a state of full-armed, fully alert. And in the first place is a shield, the foundation of which is faith, behind it was taken, consisting of hope and love. And all together forms a fighting triangle of protection around you.

Can a spider use a victim if the web is damaged and the imaginary "victim" becomes the one who removes the web traps?

Am I talking about the incomprehensible? Maybe. But I try to explain the importance of the moment and the situation, and direct you to serious preparation for it. I repeat once again, there are practices that have been passed on to you, choose the most important one at the present moment and work, practice until you get the desired result. Then follow the same principles, build up strength, first - by cleansing yourself. I begin to control the process in a different way.

Christ the Teacher

November 10.03.2017, XNUMX