Teacher's message 10.01.2014

teacherThe time that has been given for work has passed. And now we can take stock and determine the direction in our future path.
So what is happening and is anything happening? I deliberately put the question so that everyone can identify that part of the question posed that corresponds to his thoughts. For those who define their actions and thoughts that precede them, I will answer the first part of the question and say: I define the events taking place as important, I will say this - yes, there are changes in many areas.

I said that now my task is reduced to a change in thinking, and these changes are directly related to an increase in the level of consciousness. This is a deep-seated process that cannot be done by force. Everyone experiences it in their own way, everyone can come to the realization of the need for this process at their own moment, which is also individual. But in general, we must all meet at one point, no matter what paths, roads we move. The main thing is our meeting at the point of contact. The main thing is the result, the result that will be fully visible not on the earthly plane. I'm not talking about this to make you sad, not to give up and be disappointed. I'm talking about the realities of your being and the task that has been set. But I'll make a reservation right away: I want the process of changing the energy structure and the process of changing thinking associated with these changes to begin now and lead to the maximum manifested results. I wish that a cohort of people who think in a new way, who believe in their own strength, will come to light, and this strength will constantly increase. What will happen to such people? They will start moving in space, transforming it, realizing the laws of the world of energies and using them only for good. Such a cohort of people will not be associated with earthly conditioning - receiving benefits in everything. They will be able to work and gradually move to the rank of servants, creating an opportunity for their Spirit to fully manifest their program. 
Knowledge will give strength. But before moving on to important knowledge, you need to tune your brain to true work, to independent work, to identify true knowledge from your own depths through clairvoyance. It’s work, and sometimes it’s not easy. And to work means to give part of your strength, energy, psychic energy to get a result. It is necessary to learn this, it is necessary to strive for it and eventually come. And remember that if it doesn’t work now, it will work out with diligence later. It is important to give an impulse to your consciousness to work. The main thing is to give an impulse to the brain to increase its activity. And then, I repeat once again, with diligence, a lot will work out and will fall into place. There will be those who can say: why complicate the work so much, because you can simply inspire you that you are gods? But it’s not that simple. To get to the you are gods program, you need to work, study, knowing exactly what you want to achieve. The beginning of setting in motion this program will occur only when, by an effort of will, the brain begins to work at a different frequency. And this means that a lot must precede this, and only you people can do this. 
Now I am addressing only the part of humanity that is aware of itself, which means that the previous program has changed radically: now only the righteous will receive new knowledge and the possibility of their practical application. It is important. It is also important to understand that we do not communicate in order to simply shake the space, we speak in order to change it, that is, to change it for a new one. Difficult work, but it is given to those who are walking. It was given to those who agreed to it before coming to Earth. And it is also open to those who wish to make a leap and start moving towards the Light. The moment is important, because we should be able to do a lot, and, at the same time, our plans should be open only partially, because they can be blocked with full openness. There are those who try - and they succeed - to create confusion. They use the transmitted information for the purposes they need. But I already have experience in this and therefore, being open to everyone and wanting to speak in a full voice, I speak only in a whisper, for I am responsible for your life, for your well-being in this world, for your fate. And if I see danger, then I give some of the information as a ransom, keeping you calm. It is difficult to fully explain in a short message everything that is happening in this world, but believe me, the struggle does not stop for a moment. All forces are now participating in it, and therefore I am forced, being open to all, to be careful, taking care of you.
I say this so that you, even partially, would understand the essence of what is happening. Remember the main thing: knock and you will be opened, seek and find, and according to your faith let it be to you. You are going the right way, but my assumptions about your development are somewhat not true. I am not saying this to offend or disappoint you, but rather to explain the difference in our perception. I would like you to increase the speed of thought, expanding perception.
We've been talking about the brain for years. I'm trying to find a group of people who can think in a resonant stream, who can think and be aware. And now I hope for you, and as soon as you increase the speed of thought, the level of perception will increase and you will be able to virtually build a 3D model of the human brain of the future and determine new parameters for activation. As soon as the new parameters are fully revealed, the program "you are gods" is activated. With the raising of the "lever" this will happen, and then the necessary processes will begin in you. And this means that a new program of God the Creator will come into force.

Having defined a lot on your own, you can start a new job for which I am preparing you. Now only the initial stage, which will soon come to an end.

Christ the Teacher
November 10.01.2014, XNUMX