Teacher's message 02.12.2016

teacherLet's continue our communication. As I understood, the last questions were either not very interesting, or somewhat difficult for you, judging by the answers. Although these questions were not asked by chance. Questions about the dreams of the soul and about clan and family stopped many of the desire to answer, and even stopped the inner work. Therefore, I want to give a little explanation. The questions I ask are designed to activate certain areas of the brain that are associated with memory. It is important for us that much is revealed to you not only through my promises and efforts, but to a greater extent through the activation of your brain. And this activation will slightly open the veil, and you will remember a lot. When this happens, it is important to be able to pacify your ego, that is, to determine your place, your status in this world, your firm position. And at the moment of opening the memory, keep yourself in this place, in order to find, remember the purpose of your coming into this world.
Each of you has an important, necessary and, most importantly, his own task in this world. Some have already remembered it, others are only trying to do it. But all attempts will eventually be crowned with victory. And therefore I will again dwell on a topic that was not fully understood, the theme of the dreams of the soul. Now we will work in a different mode. If there is a lack of understanding, then we will stop on this topic longer, trying to clarify everything to the end.
Dreams of the soul open the gates to the sources of memory, to the beginning, the moment of self-awareness. It is important to find the beginning of the thread, the thread of fate, having felt this important moment - the manifestation of your consciousness, having experienced it again. Dreams give you the opportunity to receive information on a non-verbal level. During sleep, there is an opportunity to show support and help the soul. The higher the status of the Spirit, the higher the level of guardianship and guidance of the soul. And the adjustment can be carried out in a mode when the soul is in a state of relaxation and rest, that is, in a dream. As you know, sleep translates the work of the brain to other frequencies and waves. It is in this wavelength range that open communication with the soul is possible. Hints are possible. Think carefully about this word: clues, that is, an opportunity opens up to find out the true meaning of a symbol, an image. Dreams are usually associated with the world of Navi among the Slavs, with those roots, ancestors who can be the mentors of the soul. All images shown in a dream are not accidental. They are not the product of a sleeper's wild fantasy. These images are the messages of different forces. From here, during sleep, the human soul often travels, learning about the world of the departed. This is a special experience of obtaining information and learning about the world.
I will analyze the images of dreams using an example, so that it is clear how communication takes place and how information is revealed. Images of the past are a recent example of the maiden bird. Yes, that was in the history of the Earth. Such creatures lived here. At that time, a person, in the form that you know, did not exist within the limits of Mother Earth, the planet. But the first to live here (from intelligent beings) prophetic beings. They played their role, filling the space with Divine meaning. They were the first to inhabit the Earth, being intermediaries between Earth and Heaven. And therefore they remain a symbol of the Divine Word, which is broadcast through them. The prophetic birds - they proclaimed the Divine Will here. After, when they left for other worlds, an image remained in the annals of the Earth's memory, which makes sense: you need to hear what is knocking at you. This is an image of a warning about future events. Here is a short tale of theirs, conveyed in a dream.
Among the endless expanses of water, a tree grows in the middle of the island. Mighty and strong it is like an oak. The earth in those days was not yet suitable for human habitation. And for birds this is paradise. They fly, rising into the skies. And then one day two Sirin birds met on the tree. We sat down one opposite the other. One was broadcasting about the future, that humanity would reach a dead end, the world would be lost, and people would not cope with the task. The other looked to the other side and said: “You are right, sister, but I see that there could be a different outcome, or a way out. There is a secret power that you did not take into account in your broadcasting. And it may happen that this force will gather and everything will be different from what you said. There are two paths that diverge in two different directions. You see only one path - it leads to collapse, the death of nations, the loss of the world. I see a different path - to prosperity, the Golden Age. I see that it is possible to change events and bring them to a new flourishing of the world. "
There are two ways - and much depends on your actions, on hardness and will. It is necessary to resist at the moment of great fluctuations. So, our tree swayed heavily in gusts of wind, and there was a moment when it was completely bent. A little bit more - and can crack and fall, and the Wind has already triumphed victory. He won, broke it. But the tree stood in defiance of fate. It managed to become flexible - bent over, did not break, but gained strength.
There are two ways for next year, and both tests are borne. They need to survive. And then ...
You describe the course of events that will prepare the new year.
This is not an easy task, it is necessary to accurately compose the image and identify the road.
Christ the Teacher
November 2.12.2016, XNUMX