Teacher's message 23.09.2016

teacherDear friends! There is a kind of relief in me after your answers, which contain both reflections, reflections, and your understanding. And therefore, I am glad to inform you that a rather difficult stage has been completed. Completed with minimal losses. And we are moving forward, we are starting a new cycle of our work. We begin our school year by renewing our desire to know and understand more, to study and work. Perhaps you know the dictum of Augustine: "The bliss of life is to search tirelessly for the truth." We will do just that. We will work hard and remember what you know. To do this, we need to find what is holding back, the latch that hides access to memory. First, we need to understand what memory is, what value it has in a person's life, and what will happen if much of the “forgotten” is remembered. Why is this needed? Why stir up the old? - as you say. Let everyone answer for himself.
I am talking with those who have already come to an understanding that this is needed and what it is for.
With the discovery of memory cells, much will fall into place. Doubts and fears will disappear, they will sink into oblivion, and this means that a person will acquire so long-expected faith in himself and, most importantly, freedom, freeing himself from imposed and oppressive stereotypes, opening up the possibility of clearly seeing, understanding and knowing. A man, knowing the truth, will gain freedom. That is why the ancients said that knowledge is power. It is the forces of knowledge that are so afraid of those who hide it behind seven bars. They hide many knowledge, doing everything possible to keep most people in submission. With what? With the help of ignorance, ignorance, which creates fear of the unknown. Most people are under pressure, under dogmatic and fanatical oppression, completely controlled and dependent. This is the misfortune of humanity. Speaking freely and openly is not yet possible in a closed, closed space.
The movement of energies in the zone of large cities resembles a ping-pong game. In a pure space in which energies circulate freely, their movement is visible as a spiral, having an exit beyond the Earth’s borders. Such a movement makes it possible to accept new energies, energies of a new energy-information flow. Such energies provide access for accelerated development and full acceptance of information. Now we see the opposite. The energies of big cities, in which special curtains are created, dominate the controlled consciousness of people. The control is the energy of destruction, which sows and cultivates doubts, distrust, aggression, rejection, and its main force - fear. It is seen as a powerful dark coating in areas of large crowds. Unfortunately, the volume of these coatings increase, grow. Attention people focused on social issues. In such a situation, it is extremely difficult and possibly absurd to talk about the new knowledge, about the brain, about its components, but I continue to talk. I speak with the aim of extending a helping hand, to help in this difficult time. In order to prepare those who will create the ground for global change. I say, I regret to say this, not for large masses of people. This majority is not prepared, it is under pressure. Today, I appeal to those who are able to understand who are willing to work, to the workers, workers, ministers.
Two thousand years ago, I turned my word to people, looking into their inquisitive eyes, but after such meetings, the majority went about their business, to their own limits, living life in everyday vanity. Only a few responded and understood what was being said. Then the task was only partially solved. And after that, through bloody actions, they established a religion for humanity, giving it the name "Christianity". And therefore I saw this and said that I did not bring peace, but a sword. In the beginning, everyone who spoke about the new Word was brutally destroyed. Then, having established religion as an institution of power, they began to persecute those who saw distortions in it. It is said in the Scripture, you know about it. Therefore, in these rather difficult times, I want to protect you and for this I give you new words of prayer.
I do not accept victims, you know that. I am for life in all the fullness and beauty of manifestations, for life in Divine resonance, and therefore I must protect those who break out of the general field of oppressive energies, those who will know and be able to do more.
I offer you an addition to the practice of the Circle of Light: before starting to hold hands, it is possible to carry out virtually. Try to act without unnecessary words, emotions. Learn to understand each other perfectly, learn to feel more. You need to first free yourself from the rough layers that you get in everyday life. Live candle fire is required. Mood minutes are important. For the mood, you can use breathing practices. All tuned in and silence inside. Everyone is calm.
And now an important addition only for those who work, they can say the following words:
- Father! Take my love from the heart. Accept my thanksgiving. Now I am here, I am passing my life path on Earth. Help me pass it with dignity. Give me the strength to go all the way with dignity and fairness, fulfilling all that is destined. I wish to work for the good of the Earth, humanity and the Universe. I ask Your blessing upon my work on this path. I ask you to recognize me as your worker, creating protection for me in this field.
Expect a response.
And now for those who need help and protection. Breathing practices are required. And these words:
- I breathe in the air of life, which gives me strength, confidence, calmness, steadfastness. I breathe out everything that is incompatible with the Divine stream of Light, everything that is rough, everything that is incompatible with my true purpose in life, everything that pulls me back and gives access to negative forces to me. I break all rough ties from the past, chains that lead to my control, submission. I find freedom.
We exhale sharply, visualizing the luminous flux that fills all the voids in the energy structure. We visualize the Light that passes through you in a powerful stream, clearing and restoring the field. Everyone needs protection now. I recommend to remember everything said earlier on this topic and systematize the material.

Christ the Teacher
November 23.09.2016, XNUMX