The answer to the question of the temptation of Christ in the desert

xristos19Question: Teacher, please tell me what exactly happened to you in the desert. You speak of the struggle of the Spirit and the soul and your liberation. Who is tempting?

Answer: I wanted to speak on this topic, because the topic is very important for understanding what is happening in the present moment.

You know that I spent forty days in the desert. You also know that these were the days of temptation. What are temptations? And why are they exposed to all the souls who undergo, conditionally speaking, the rite of reunion, or birth in the Spirit?

These are important questions to understand. You live in a world that has a special status, special conditions in which the Law of Free Will operates. You know that. This Law does not allow interfering directly in human affairs. This Law also allows a person to reach heights in development, as well as to lose all his property - the treasures of the Spirit. Here, there are rules, and, unfortunately, the force that opposes the spiritual aspirations of a person. This Power is multifaceted. She has the ability to influence the human psyche. She has the ability to subjugate souls. In order to become a minister, you need to reveal your desire for work, but not only, you also need to be ready for the difficulties of this work. And the main difficulty for people living in the world of matter is to prioritize - to put in the first place - service - that is, to show the strength of their faith and devotion to the Idea. Each servant poses a threat to the power of temptation, for the more servants there are, those who desire changes, the transformation (change of the old image) of the Earth, the less there will be those who bear temptation by their presence. You know many personalities who are actually at the head of their powers. And Lucifer, and Satan and many others ... Legions of demons stand behind them, they are the guardians of their power, which has chosen Earth as its stronghold. The task of incarnating the High Spirits here on Earth is complicated by this circumstance. The violation of the Law of Love led to this. And humanity has fallen more than once. Where are all these souls? They are here. They are also in service, serving the power that enslaved them.

It is extremely difficult to start ministry without a ritual of purification. In order to reveal their strength, in order to understand the tasks of the Spirit, each worker and future minister goes through, relatively speaking, temptations. This is necessary in order to understand the level of weakness, the capabilities of the soul, the priority position of the Spirit, and also the most important thing - how strong the Spirit is, its will, how much the Idea is put in the first place, how high is the ability to control oneself in difficult conditions. The higher the Spirit, the level of its power, the higher the status of the Tempter. I knew that I needed to go to the desert. I knew, for I heard that it was necessary. I just got up and went. I did not know what would happen there. There I was left alone with my soul, Spirit and body. And had to reconnect their requests. I did not know that the commander of the Forces of Darkness would act as the Tempter. He tempted me, offering many blessings, to become a king, exaltation and wealth, long life and everything I wish for going to his side. He gave me visions. Showed the future. I saw that my teaching would lead to wars, the destruction of many bright souls. I saw that Love would be trampled underfoot, trampled under the dirty boots of the victors. I saw that everything that I intended to do was pointless, because people are not ready to understand, to contain even a tenth of what I have to convey to them. The pointlessness of this path was a temptation. This thought tormented my soul. In a state when there was no water or food, when the Guardian Angels were far away, I had to overcome this power that dominated my soul. Sleepless nights led to an even greater run of thoughts, everything seemed meaningless, especially the terrible execution, which was shown to me in every detail. I had to either die in this struggle, or win. I know how difficult such tests are, but they are given according to the strength of the person passing them. The tester's level will never exceed the tester's Spirit status.

And the higher the Spirit, the higher the level of influence on it. If the Spirit learns about its status in the past, that is, about its spiritual level in the past, then temptations are inevitable. The opening of memory in the High Spirit threatens these forces with a shift in their positions. Therefore, they are looking forward to this hour. In turn, without passing these tests, it is impossible to fully rely on the person, because she herself did not know herself.

Temptations are an opportunity for every soul to know itself, its capabilities, relying on faith, firmness, which helps to win. Either the possessor captures a soul that is not ready for the difficulties of this world, or the soul triumphs over a force trying to subdue it. This is a struggle that here on Earth is expressed in its most brutal form. And if the subject cannot at such moments gather, concentrate, take a sword and cut off this force, then he is defeated. The temptation for the most part is the question of power, about how to manage people, as far as possible. Various levels of lies are offered in order to see the degree of superiority of the Idea over the demands of the Ego. Who will conquer the self and the desire to be different, not like everyone else? But for what purpose? With a goal that is far from the Spirit, from its program, from the program of the Spiritual world, or vice versa. This struggle takes place in everyone who steps on this path. In this struggle, the person himself reveals his secret requests, which he either rejects as false or accepts, removing himself from work. Unfortunately, experience has shown that such temptations relieve a person of difficulties for which he is not ready. Such temptations show the level of training, knowledge, skills. They make it possible to understand how to act in different conditions and moments. Many Jacob, Moses, Buddha, and Mohammed passed such tests. These individuals fought against opponents of the highest level, for their level of training and tasks was very high.

You did not receive this test because we were cruel to you. But because for further work, which required complication, it was necessary to know the degree of your readiness. Yes, they came very close to you. And the person who took upon himself all this strength, unfortunately, did not calculate his strength. He gave access to himself by incorrectly answering questions. After that there was a struggle, but neither knowledge nor prayer was used. In the general circle, a circle of Light was not created, for not everyone was actively and adequately included in the process. It was not possible to keep the channel to work in this mode. It was also correctly noted that neither the security code nor the prayer for help was used to the right extent and at the right moment. Draw conclusions. Decide who is ready and who is not. You were shown the degree of preparation of each.

Christ the Teacher
