Teacher's message 13.07.2011

teacherWe continue the conversation about the soul. Let's talk about your ability to manage your field, your energies in a coordinated way. It is important.
What can be done to more accurately and, one might say, accurately understand everything that happens in the current world? How to become a self-sufficient person who is able to know a lot and apply knowledge in his life?
Many now take knowledge only on the basis of energy-information, storing it in their memory, in the form, in modern language, of hidden files. They have these files, but nobody uses them functionally. Many are looking for information, but it does not significantly affect their lives, or, in other words, the abundance of information does not allow to identify the source to which there will be confidence. It turns out a kind of information enumeration in which a person loses his ability to personal communication. There is a layer of energy overlays, which becomes a shield.
You might think that this is good. But as a result of this informational attack, shifts in the field occur, which may even change its structure. What am I talking about if the idea of ​​the future lies in reunion?
This is an important question. And it is important because the process that is assumed during reunification will constitute a single layer of knowledge and a single vibration corridor. The synthesized knowledge will make up a single picture of the world and the Universe as a whole in the conceptual system. And this layer of knowledge will be, figuratively speaking, a pie, in which there is also a dough consisting of many ingredients, and a filling, and everything will be in its place. You feel the taste of the cake, where all the ingredients play their own definite role in the preparation of taste. 
I am talking about the reunification of everything separate for the formation of integrity and return to the sources. The reunion will occur at the moment of insight, when the highest possible truth is revealed, which will bring into resonance all the existing knowledge. 
Am I clear? Or not?
I am saying that the identification of your path, your direction, close to your soul, is very important, because at this moment you come to understand your role in this life.
Observing what is happening from the point of view of the world of energies, it is difficult not to notice that the "fluidity" of energies has increased. I'm talking about what was known in ancient times - everything flows, everything changes. And this movement is now accelerated. It seems to many that the foundations of this world are such that they cannot be shaken, but I tell you that the acceleration, or “fluidity,” of energies will make it possible to produce what now seems unreal. Feel (you can really feel it): the world is changing. Dramatic changes can occur as you learn to bring out your strength and unite with those with whom the goal is one. It is necessary to stop splitting the light, and so fragmented, forces into pieces. You need to be united. 
What does this have to do with the subject of the soul? The most direct. I appeal to the souls, I am talking about the processes that occur at the energy level. And you can fully understand them only at the soul level. And this does not mean that I will speak only sensual speeches about love, it means that love is now moving into a new qualitative expression and you just have to feel it. Feel the motivation of the messages. If the communicator sincerely cares about the fate of people and humanity as a whole, then it is felt. And at the moments of maximum concentration, when each minister determines his position, he will become a Warrior - a Warrior of Light. And this means that the basis of his soul will be Light, which is Love, and not a single word will be said about it, only actions will be from the standpoint of Love.
I continue to insist that I speak of the soul and I speak to souls. To those who can see the future and project it. The Warrior of Light knows how to remain calm, and this is due to the amazing composition of his soul. The shape of his soul is the flower of love. She is extraordinarily beautiful. It is entwined, figuratively speaking, with "branches" that protect their treasure. That which is grown in the field of the soul can be a beautiful flower, while still closed by branches, or it can be a non-flowering plant, for those who have not found the conditions for flowering. Yes, this also happens, and it happens often. It happens that the plant does not bloom and does not create buds. But under any conditions there is room for change. Believe me, there are no cruel programs, there are only wrong decisions and ways. The "infidels" are those who do not create the possibility of moving along the shortest path. In fact, any choice of a person creates an opportunity for him to go his own way, and this is important, gaining experience in all areas. But in the case when a person chooses the knowledge of the "dark" sides of this world, the soul does not "blossom" due to the absence of Light. For "flowering" the soul needs conditions, as well as for growth. The knowledge of the "dark" sides can lead to the danger of soul loss. And there are a lot of them now.
What do you think can be the way out of this situation?
How do you see the future of the Earth?
Christ the Teacher
November 13.07.2011, XNUMX