Teacher's message 03.08.2011

teacherI speak now for those who are ready to hear.
I speak to those who can understand.
And most importantly, I am speaking, I will repeat it again, about the future and in the name of the future. 
At the moment there are many important tasks - let's talk about them. 
The concentration of power increases.
And it grows on both sides. The current state reminds me of a field camp in which soldiers have gathered. The action is only outlined. Both sides are on alert, forces are approximately equal. But the action can still be stopped. 

What I'm talking about? About Ideas of Light. They take effect. And it is enough to simply understand and accept what I am talking about, and work begins, a smooth dissolution of coarse energies. And this happens to any person. But at the same time, this does not mean that one can sit idly by. Work awaits everyone. Work on strength and capabilities. It is up to everyone to define their own sector of skills and capabilities. And any work is necessary and important. Internal work was and is the main component of the overall work. And I’ll say differently: if you haven’t determined what you should stop on, then try each of the possible tasks. Or, figuratively speaking, try each suit on yourself until you find the suit that suits you best, in which you feel comfortable and pleasant. No one will distribute roles from above, except for the role of the channel holder. No one will give orders and demand military discipline. Everything can happen only in accordance with your will and your conscious desire to work, in accordance with what you can remember by opening your memory. There are those who have defined their role in the present moment. They gave a kind of promise, and it is this - the promise - that constantly worries them when it is not fulfilled.

To more clearly imagine what I am talking about, it is enough to imagine a chessboard. Each figure has its own role and capabilities. Even the trajectory of movement is determined. The division of the board into black and light squares is also defined. But, I repeat once again, the current state is only determined by the readiness to engage in battle, but the game may not start, or, in other words, there is a chance to reduce the strength and desire to resist each other, due to all penetrating powerful light particles with information tabs.

I spoke about the situation at the present moment. I'm talking about the world of energies.

Christ the Teacher
November 3.08.2011, XNUMX